Monitoring:Temperature and DO

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Model Application: Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen


In this[1] study, A CE-QUAL-W2 model was developed to simulate hydrodynamics, temperature, and DO within Cordell Hull Reservoir in Tennessee for a wet, an average, and a dry April through October for the purposes of (a) developing a better understanding of the interactions between stratification and hydrodynamics in this reservoir; (b) evaluating the water quality impacts of proposed submerged weir placement; and (c) evaluating the effects of hydropower operations on reservoir water quality characteristics.

Data Needs

Cordell Hull Reservoir, Tennessee
  1. Initial Conditions
    • Initial Temperature: The entire reservoir was assumed to be homogenous on 1 April of each year simulated
    • Initial DO Concentration: The entire reservoir was assumed to be homogenous on 1 April of each year simulated
  2. Boundary Conditions
    • Meteorology
      1. Solar radiation: Computed using air temperature, cloud cover, dew point temperature, and wind speed on a daily average basis. Data were obtained from the Meteorological Support Group at Scott Air Force Base, Illinois, for the Nashville Airport weather station.
      2. Coefficient of surface heat exchange: Provided on a daily averaged basis by the Nashville District as computed from the Nashville weather station located at the Nashville Airport which is about 69 km west of the dam.
      3. Equilibrium temperature: Provided on a daily averaged basis by the Nashville District as computed from the Nashville weather station located at the Nashville Airport which is about 69 km west of the dam.
      4. Wind speed and direction
    • Branch Inflows
    • Branch Outflows
    • Inflow Temperatures
    • Inflow DO Concentration

Monitoring Needs

  1. In-Pool/In-Situ Data
    • Temperature profiles: Taken at six different locations
    • Release temperatures
    • DO profiles
    • Release DO concentrations
  2. Water Budget
    • Daily water surface elevations


  1. Howington, Stacy E., 1988 (Aug). "Application of a Two-Dimensional Model of Hydrodynamics and Water Quality (CE-QUAL-W2) to Cordell Hull Reservoir, Tennessee," Technical Report H-88-19, US Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MS.