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Latest revision as of 21:50, 4 January 2011

Welcome to the CE-QUAL-W2 primer!

CE-QUAL-W2 is a two-dimensional, laterally averaged, hydrodynamic and water quality model for rivers, estuaries, lakes, reservoirs and river basin systems. W2 models basic eutrophication processes such as temperature-nutrient-algae-dissolved oxygen-organic matter and sediment relationships.

Current Events

Are you holding a conference related to CE-QUAL-W2? Is your CE-QUAL-W2 support utility adding a new feature or releasing a new version? Put your news here!

CE-QUAL-W2 Legacy Roundtable

July 10-12, 2007
30+ people gathered to discuss the applications, modifications, and future direction that the development of CE-QUAL-W2. Academia, private sector engineering firms, US Geological Survey, US Bureau of Reclamation, and the US Army Corps of Engineers were all represented. Meeting minutes will be compiled and result in several postings on this site.

CE-QUAL-W2 and RES-SIM Linkage Meeting

We are currently exploring the potential for a meeting among interested workshop participants regarding research activities invloving the linkage of CE-QUAL-W2 and RES-SIM. The meeting could be held as part of workshop breakout activities on Thursday afternoon. If you are interested in participating please respond under this header.


Syncing CE-QUAL-W2 with ResSim

August 17, 2009
Eight Corps of Engineers and software developers met to view status on using ResSim boundary conditions to model water quality parameters. Reservoir flows were added to the watershed directory and alternative editor using HEC-ResSim 3.1 Alpha III- WQ Interaction. Software plug-in still in development.

Getting started

Using the wiki

For First-time Modelers

So you've never used CE-QUAL-W2 before. You've never built a bathymetry file and you're not even sure how to start. Well, you've come to the right place. Let this guide you through the process.

Model information

Model History

Software and Documentation


Decision Making


Pre and Post Processing

Case Studies